Friday, June 3, 2011

Wibbly Wobbly, Timey Wimey... Stuff

This Saturday, The Doctor will be spotted in two different part of his own time-line.  More confusing "wibbly wobbly, timey wimey" stuff?  Nope.  Just a weeklong lag between the episode airing in Britain (S6-E7) and the one airing in the US (S6-E6).

What  I actually find kinda amusing is that in several recent interviews, Moffett has condemned fans for revealing *spoilers* about the show... yet with the new broadcast schedule, the same episodes are now a week out of sync instead of only one day?  We Whovians are a curious bunch and LOVE to talk about our favorite Time Lord.  Of course there are going to be *Spoilers* abound after Episode 7 airs to the masses on BBC One.

 /rant off

Ok, back to the good stuff.  In one short day, no matter where you live, New Who will be on the telly.  Here's a look at what we have to look forward to!

Episode 6: "The Almost People", which airs on BBC America Saturday evening, is the second part of "The Rebel Flesh" (S6-E5).  It's an action packed episode with quite a surprise at the end.  Two actually.  I'm not going to say any more about this episode because I've already seen it and don't want to risk giving anything away  Yes, I've seen it, because I am an impatient little cuss.  Ummm... I mean I try to stay on the cutting edge and make sure I'm in-the-know for all my followers.  Yeah, ummm... that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it. =)

Episode 7: A Good Man Goes to War is set to air in Britain on BBC One this Saturday. The last episode before a 3 month break, this mid-season cliff-hanger promises to finally reveal who River Song is... though I have no doubt it will raise a lot more questions then it answers.

Be warned though! If you have not seen "The Almost People", the following video WILL contain... you know.  Say it with me.



  1. Oh good I so want to see that episode...but ACK 3 months no who....NNOOOOOO!OOOOO!!!!

  2. ~0.o~ My brain hurts now. Thanks all I'm saying. :)
